This is an article from the September-December 1998 issue: New Horizons in Mission

Pray Without Ceasing!

Pray Without Ceasing!

We are exhorted from 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing. Many of the needs of the U.S. Center for World Mission require ceaseless prayer. Our campus is a major battlefield of spiritual warfare.

Our 24-hour prayer vigil continues as staff members take a four-hour shift two or three times each month. We depend also on you as allies in this war and value your prayers highly. (For an update on prayer needs, call 626 398-2220.)

God has graciously granted the USCWM staff victory in many key areas--love for one another and grace with each other's faults; unity and joy amidst an intense effort to advance God's kingdom; and worldwide impact in advancing God's kingdom. Along with sustained covering in these areas of victory, the USCWM needs breakthrough prayer in three primary areas of ongoing warfare: staffing, financial support, and physical health.

STAFFING The fruit trees were laden with plums and apricots. This was far more than the young lady could eat on her own so she asked her friends to feel free to visit her home and pick as much as they wanted. By the time the first person got over to the house, birds had eaten some and others lay on the ground rotting. Nothing was edible.

The harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Please continue to pray with us that the Lord would bring new staff to work in strategic areas. Praise Him that eight new people have joined us since February. In spite of this the workload continues to be heavy.

We are praying for people who will fill roles as volunteers, as staff members and those who prefer to experience hands on work and training before going overseas.

Many service opportunities at the USCWM await keen believers who are eager to advance God's kingdom. Pray for God's direction and anointing on USCWM recruiting efforts. (If you know someone looking for this kind of service opportunity in an administrative role, have them call the USCWM at 626-398-2266 x266.)

Financial Support

The "bridge" is in disrepair between the home and the field. Of those called to missions, 95% don't get there. Yet USCWM and other home staff working to "repair the bridge" have great difficulty finding understanding and support for their strategic service. Low support often means lost ministry opportunities, time wasted, family stress, and financial crises. (For current needs, materials to help your church understand the value of supporting a USCWM staff member, or information about our special "staff in need fund," call 626-398-2266 x266.)

Physical Health

Pray for God's intervention in the following life-threatening chronic illnesses:

  • Roberta Winter (USCWM co-founder) still battles multiple myeloma (bone cancer). Recently a blood clot developed behind Mrs. Winter's sternum, where it went unrecognized for some time and can no longer be easily dissolved (although attempts are still being made). Mrs. Winter has stopped conventional chemotherapy and decided that she is too susceptible to complications to risk the recommended stem-cell transplant. She is instead hoping to find a doctor willing to monitor her through an experimental treatment. Although cancer markers from her blood tests indicate that the myeloma is growing, she is in good spirits and is feeling fairly well. Thanks for praying.
  • Lorena Wood (wife of Mission Frontiers' managing editor) has cystic fibrosis (a genetic lung disease with effects similar to perpetual pneumonia). Lorena has improved tremendously over the past year and is very well for an adult with this disease. However, she is now undergoing IV antibiotic treatment once agian. Thanks for your continued prayers.
  • Mike and Patti Cammack (Computer Services Manager and Member Care Director) battle hepatitis C (a viral liver infection) Tests show some improvement in Mike's liver, although his primary experience continues to be the strong side effects of interferon treatments. Patti's only arm continues to grow stronger, although at times she suffers pain from recent surgery to repair shattered tendons in her shoulder. She continues nutritional treatments for her liver condition.
  • Vern Dueck (Mission Resource Center Manager) has lived with continual severe back pain for fourteen years. His HMO has no further treatment to recommend, and is unwilling to fund an alternative that has been recommended by the Pasadena Rehabilitation Institute.

Pray in each case for encouragement, strength, wisdom, healing, and guidance, and for funding for necessary treatments. (Call 626-398-2242 x242 for information on helping with medical expenses.)


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