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Foundations of the World Christian Movement

Foundations of the World Christian Movement

Foundations of the World Christian Movement is a 3-unit online course that has been instrumental in providing students with challenging insights into the Christian movement and its impact on world history. Epoch events situated into 400 year periods, chronicles the global development and the Christian faith’s lasting influence on Western and non-Western culture.

The course is strategically designed to engage students and teacher into vibrant, yet scholarly interactions, allowing each person the opportunity to respond with personal thoughts and relevant academic input. It is a logical next step after Perspectives, and gives a “taste” of the 32-unit study program, World Christian Foundations.

The text readings are articulate and capture the erudite appeal that is so characteristic of the great host of knowledgeable authors who are unmatched by few in the missiological world. Students will emerge with greater understanding of God’s plan to bless the nations and how partnering with Him will surely fulfill His purpose in restoring mankind unto Himself.

The Foundations educational approach prepares students for their various ongoing ministries by addressing the historical crisis in relation to God’s work among the nations, then and now.

I highly recommend the Foundations online course. It is the foundation on which to build sound missiological principles, guiding students into appropriate communication of the Christian faith, as well as instilling in them a much broader Biblical worldview.

For information about enrolling in the online course or offering the course through a church or school, please contact Beth Snodderly at [email protected]. Course materials can be ordered through our online store at and one book from William Carey Library’s website (Walt Kaiser’s Mission in the Old Testament).


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