This is an article from the May 1986 issue: A Bold New Step



Dear Friends,

There is a quickening pulse around here. Not that things were not :t exciting already. Last time I promised to tell you some amazing news. + Here it is. a ____ The coming of so exciting a person as Greg Livingstone to take a hefty I role among usisagreat part of a BOLD NEW STEP. He's had a great deal to do with 'The 1st 1,000 Recruits," and now in this new role will have potentially a phenomenal contribution to the entire mission enterprise, not just his own organization (Frontiers) A second exciting person, Bob Coleman, steps into the arena again (after a few months away getting married) with another major part of the new step forward: his new plan called "The Last 1,000."

The harder part was the First Thousand recruits, Why can't we get the The Last Thousand dollars?

Are you wondering "What 1,000 new recruits?" We don't really have a list (like they did back in 1906 next time we'll be telling you more of that astounding story), but judge for yourself:

We are not claiming to be the only ones involved in a 1,000 new recruits for the frontiers since we started in 1976.

But, we ourselves have processed over 6,000 students in our ponderous PERSPECTIVES course, and we can be sure that at least 1,000 of these have become missionaries or are on their way right now. (Plus over 100 schools use our textbook.)

Greg's own organization (Frontiers) has received over 2,000 applications, in just the last two years.

SIM International, remember (from our cover story), is already a long way toward the 1,000 new people they expect to recruit in their new push toward their 100th anniversary. Wycliffe recruited over 300 in a single year celebrating their 50th anniversary.

On and on. There is not the slightest doubt that 1,000 new younger missionaries have gone out to the frontiers in the past nine and a half years of our existence. Again we cannot take any of the credit for some of them, nor all of the credit for any of them   the Spirit of Ood has many allies!

Rejoice with us in the comments by Greg Livingstone across the page, mine on the next page, and Bob Coleman's on the following two pages. Rejoice with us in the Bold New Step.


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